I'm Self-Distributing my Indie Feature Film and the Idea Scares the Hell Out of Me

That's right – I am doing something different this year, self distributing my production company's indie feature film, In Corpore. It's not my decision alone, my partner and co-director is jumping on this rollercoaster ride with me and we plan to market our self funded, no stars attached, micro feature in all four countries we shot it in – Germany, Malta, Australia and America. Not only that, as part of our self distribution plan we are looking to use four wall distribution where possible, and even tour smaller states in America should the interest be there.

You are probably wondering why. You are probably screaming it at the screen. Please stop yelling, it will be ok.

Well, with all those distributors, aggregators, online platforms and sales agents who seem supportive and constantly hungry for fresh content it's a fair call to ask why we would go at it alone. For us, the first reason is that we have lost faith in handing our hard work and money to someone who does not have the film’s or our own best interests as the main priority.

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