Life Improvised: Volume One Released on Tubi

We’re excited to announce Life Improvised: Volume One is now streaming on Tubi.

Sometimes in life we need to improvise.

Filmed in five countries around the world, these improvised stories are about life and love and the complexities of being human. Micro glances into everyday relationships and the small decisions that define us.

Awkwardness, betrayal, love, forgiveness, despair and more. We filmed these stories over a period of three years, never thinking we would one day have enough to put together an anthology. But here we are. And we just filmed a new episode in New York last week so in another three years, expect Volume Two

Check out the trailer below and check out Life Improvised: Volume One on Tubi here.

We also did an interview about the anthology with Search My Trash which you can read here.

Tubi Picks up Nexus Production Groups' Indie Psychological Thriller Machination

After being released through Vimeo on Demand, followed by Blu-ray and DVD though Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart, MACHINATION is now available to stream free on TUBI.

Currently available in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Australia, Tubi can be accessed on a wide range of devices. Tubi gives fans of films and television programs an easy way to discover new content that is available completely free.

To watch MACHINATION now click here. If you enjoy it, tell your friends and share the link!